
! Glitterati ! - Maia - Lemon

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写真: ! Glitterati ! - Maia - Lemon

写真: ! Glitterati ! - Rhythm Divine 写真: ! Glitterati ! - Maia

Flower pattern dress of light, gentle with which vernal flowers were fully sprinkled from Glitterati by Sapphire. Price400L$.

Lemon, Green, Purple, Orange...A light, gentle color becomes complete, and vernal flowers are in full bloom.

The shawl of a pretty flower has placed to the shoulder, and it shakes gently and beautifully when moving. The shawl has put out a sense of existence of accessories, even if there are no accessories, the appearance is beautiful and colorful.

And, a transparent overlay skirt adheres, too and gentler transparency to the dress has been put out.

To you who wants to enjoy a colorful flower pattern, colorful beauty, and gentle lightness.

Glitterati by Sapphire - main store

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タグ: ! Glitterati

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